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Welcome to St. Vivekananda English Academy, a premier SEBA school ranked amongst the Best Schools in Guwahati | Application Forms for admission in Nursery to Class XI (Commerce, Humanities & Science) for session 2025-26, are available and can be collected from School office. Integrated Science classes [Boards+NEET/JEE(Mains/Adv.] also available. For registrations contact 7002427979.

Parents And Students Corner

Like the Pole Star shows right direction to ships, in the same way my SVEA showed me the right direction to life.
Great Learners are the results of Great Guidance, which i feel my school is gifted with.

SVEA ...The name itself is an inspiration...I am proud to be a Vivekan. Great Learners are the results of Great Guidance, which I feel my school is gifted with. Thanks for all the Love and Support

There will always be schools that can push more and more funds into their infrastructure, but when it comes to "SVEA" it's always about principles first and creating a 'difference'.

In my life, there are a few people from whom I took immense inspiration and courage. In this list of people, the first position would be held by my father and the second by Sir our Rector Sir. I always take encouragement from his qualities of truth, honesty, perseverance, confidence, vision.

Whenever I come across any hurdle as a startup entrepreneur or even in my day-to-day life, his qualities and principles serve as a source of encouragement. I always feel that everyone at “SVEA,” from the teaching and management group, has and will always keep his qualities, methodologies, work ethics and commitment alive.

Back in 1993-94, my father, who worked in the then Telecommunication Department of India, was transferred from Golaghat to Guwahati. I studied there at the “Sacred Heart School.” My father could have easily admitted me into “Don Bosco, Guwahati;” he even had a reference letter from the school missionary. But he always felt that ‘principles’ matter the most in life and education; and believed that I would achieve something ‘different,’ from “SVEA.” Hence, he took a decision ‘differently’ and enrolled me into “SVEA,” in the fourth standard.

Rector Sir also believed in doing something ‘different.’ As I grew up and passed out, my father’s expectations have been fulfilled. Today, I, too, believe in doing things ‘differently.’

There will always be schools that can push more and more funds into their infrastructure, but when it comes to “SVEA,” it's always about principles first and creating a ‘difference,’ and I wish that this remains as it is in all time to come.

My school is not an incident to be bound in words. It is a feeling in your that resides 24x7.

SVEA is the place where I grew up. This is the place where I had spent the greater part of my childhood and also sowed the seeds of my adulthood. Well, my school is not an incident to be bound in words. It is a feeling in you that resides 24x7 in you. Reason being the teachers and the support staff. It is not what they teach while in class, but how they involve you in life activities. Yes, it may sound weird when I say life activities. But school is not a place to learn only from books, this is a serious investment that our parents make to give us the best childhood. Well, this is the place where your childhood passes away even before you realize what just happened. You know why? Because you are FULLY INVOLVED in whatever you do while in this school. Rector sir taught us the difference between " I go to school" and " I go to THE school". I learnt to "go to school". This school teaches you to always be FULLY INVOLVED in whatever you do - study, play, music, quiz, dance and what not. Wherever I stand today, it is because my school provided me the platform. SVEA is a place where you enjoy your stay every moment and when you are joyful, time flies in the wink of an eye.


I am thankful to all the teachers who have shown their teaching excellence and inspired many.

As an alumnus, I am grateful and thankful to my respected Rector Sir and all the teachers who have shown their teaching excellence and inspired many.

My school SVEA taught me that "Nothing can affect you if you are ambitious and can accept challenges in your life". A winner has its own height.

I consider myself lucky I had SVEA and their teachers for guidance.

School is the first place where you start learning. It plays an important role in your life. I consider myself lucky I had SVEA and their teachers for guidance. I’m really happy seeing the progress of school and their students year after year which definitely speaks volumes.

SVEA is not just an Institution, for me SVEA is an Emotion.

My Alma Mater (SVEA) is not just an Institution, for me SVEA is an Emotion. 1994 was the year in which respected Rector Sir set up the school and I cannot help thanking my parents for getting me enrolled in SVEA. The foundation for what I am today was laid in the year 1994. 10 glorious chapters of my life came to an end in the year 2004. I take immense pride in saying that I am a Vivekan. What I am today is because of SVEA. I bow my head to Respected Rector Sir and touching his feet I seek his blessings. I wish him good health and wish my school prosper in the Years to come.

The diversity of students from various cultural and religious background in the school made me learn to respect and adjust to the diversity across our country and the world wherever I worked and travelled.

SVEA gave me the opportunity to have a good command over the English language. This has helped me immensely while writing my formal applications and toward my scientific contributions.

The diversity of students from various cultural and religious background in the school made me learn to respect and adjust to the diversity across our country and the world wherever I worked and travelled.

I feel proud to call SVEA my alma mater.

Whatever I am, it’s just because of the education I received at SVEA. I feel proud to call SVEA my alma mater. School days are the days one should rejoice because once you pass out of school, life is all about growing up, facing challenges, chasing your dreams and all.

Now, when I look back, I feel very privileged to be a part of the SVEA family.

Now, when I look back, I feel very privileged to be a part of the SVEA family. Personally want to thank our beloved Head Sir for all his valuable guidance, moral & ethics which proved helpful to me in every step of my life. I shall remain indebted to all the faculties who toiled hard in educating us & shaping our / my character.

My teachers were always there to support me whenever I needed a lift.

I got admission in SVEA in the year 2002 in class 8, a total newcomer both in Guwahati and the school. It was difficult for me to adjust and cope up with my fellow classmates because they were so brilliant. But our respected Rector Sir gave me that confidence. He believed I could do it and encouraged me in all possible ways to work hard and give my best. Also, my teachers were always there to support me whenever I needed a lift. I was there for only 3 years but so many good memories and I really miss our old building. I will forever cherish the moments in SVEA, its special.

I am proud to be a student of SVEA.

At SVEA, I undertook was a great journey of 12 long years. I thank the teachers and my respected Rector Sir for the support and guidance that I have got during my school life. I am proud to be a student of SVEA. Thank you so much.

The values and ideals that were imbibed in us during our school years continue to stand by us as a torch in the darkness.
This is the word that year by year/While in her place the school is set, Every one of her sons must hear/And none that hears it dare forget. This they all with joyful mind/Bear through life like a torch in flame, Falling fling to the host behind/Play up! Play up! And play the game! ~ SIR HENRY NEWBOLT

It has now been more than sixteen years since me and my batchmates passed out of SVEA, leaving behind the protective bubble of school life into the challenges of the professional world. As the future continues to grow more and more uncertain, whether it be the COVID pandemic, global climate change, changing economic realities or even the increasing polarization of society, the values and ideals that were imbibed in us during our school years continue to stand by us as a torch in the darkness. The spirit of service and selfless dedication that we inculcated during our years at SVEA serve as our swords and shields in the battle of life, giving us hope and courage to face all challenges and play the game of life in the right earnest. Wishing all present and future Vivekans that may these ongoing years at school might give you the knowledge, confidence and ability to “play up, play up and play” the game of life.

This institution was, is and will always be an integral part of my life.

School reminds me of days when I used to learn, play, dance, fight, make mistakes, get punished, get rewarded and yet be taught every time how to be disciplined, obedient, respectful - which are true qualities that any individual should possess and nurture within.

The essence of life is not just knowledge, but being a well-formed individual with an independent identity, with abilities to listen, understand, speak and have the wisdom to differentiate between right and wrong - all of which I gained from my school.

Being a part of SVEA, fills my heart with pride. This institution was, is and will always be an integral part of my life.

SVEA gave me many things, but most important of all, it gave me language.

My first memory of school is also one of my most precious. It was 1996. I was enrolled in Class 1, having studied kindergarten in a Bangla medium school. A family crisis had kept me from attending school for the first one month, and by the time I came for classes the first unit test was barely fifteen days away.

A substantial portion of the syllabus had already been covered. Confronted for the first time with a foreign tongue, the five- or six-year-old me was at a complete loss. To my rescue came the class teacher. She not only helped me cope with the new language (English) and the lessons but also took it upon herself to write all the class notes that I had missed. When the unit test results were out, to my surprise, I had scored the much-coveted gold card! To this day, I remember my class teacher of Class I with great fondness.

SVEA gave me many things, but most important of all, it gave me language. We had at SVEA some of the best language teachers of our time. They did not simply teach a language but made us fall in love with it. My high school English teacher instilled in me the love for literature through his impeccable English and through the worlds he opened up beyond the syllabus. Following his advice, I subscribed to English dailies like the Telegraph and the Assam Tribune; a habit was thus formed. I was in class 8 when he gave me a copy of Wuthering Heights to read. Looking back, I can say that this seemingly ordinary event was a turning point in my life and sealed my fate in more ways than one.

Back then, the school may have lacked infrastructure but it was run with the best of intentions and the uncompromising integrity of one man who held it all together, our Rector Sir, His figure, clad in immaculate white, was discipline incarnate, and we were in awe of him. Like Oliver Goldsmith's village schoolmaster, 'a man severe he was, and stern to view,' and 'the love he bore to learning was in fault;/ The village all declared how much he knew'. He was the best grammarian I have ever come across and there was a method in his teaching, the reason why Vivekans are good at grammar! To him, and to all my teachers who shaped my mind in one way or the other, I owe my deepest gratitude.

SVEA provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of dedicated teachers.

SVEA is an educational institution which provide learning spaces and learning environments for the teaching of students under the direction of dedicated teachers. Will always be grateful to shape my initial period of life.

This school holds a legacy of producing students who are best at their own field.

Post my completion of HSLC I opted for Science Stream and there after completed my BTech in Chemical Engineering. After that I worked for a London Based Chemical Journal publishing company "The Royal Society of Chemistry" and then as a Chemistry teacher in the dept of Science for a reputed school before joining my very own school as a teacher. The feeling was overwhelming with this transition from a student to a a way that we are flexible enough and above all trainable enough to fit us into any institution we work for. This school holds a legacy of producing students who are best at their own field and I am very sure it would continue to do so takes utmost care in not only giving the best to her children but also the teachers on whom she is working on each day so that they remain updated and prepared for what so ever circumstances unfurl in the future. I will forever be indebted to Rector Sir for his teachings and also to all teachers who without a second thought have given me an opportunity to grow better.

The teachers at my Alma Mater mentored us and encouraged us to do our best which really helped shape my personality as an individual.

I clearly remember the times when I was in school and used to think how I couldn't wait to grow up! Just like that, I became an adult, reality hit and with it came the realisation, Adulting isn’t an easy task! At this point in life where I am swallowed by the gruesome 9 to 5, I think its safe to say that my time spent in SVEA were the best times of my life where I had my friends and wonderful teachers to fall back on. Speaking out of utter with honesty, we really did go to school for our friends and not for the endless classes on the various subjects but the teachers at my Alma Mater mentored us and encouraged us to do our best which really helped shape my personality as an individual.

Our school life was priceless.

Our school life was priceless. Maybe we didn't realise at that time but later missed our school days a lot. Even in rainy days too, we used to attend classes. Memories with school friends, teachers are priceless. Feels proud on hearing the results of our juniors in HSLC. Even now, when we schools’ friends talk over phone, most of the time the conversation is centred on school life- those well spent days when we laughed, shared, in cheerful togetherness.

Schools are a very important part of our lives and mine made sure to help me shape my life in the best possible way.

Being an alumni of SVEA makes me immensely proud and grateful. We were one of the first batches and have been given utmost care and attention while at school which helped us develop our unique personalities today. I personally feel my school has helped me become an outgoing and outspoken person from a quiet and shy kid. All the teachers and our beloved Head Sir always made sure we give our best and helped us do that with their constant support and supervision. Schools are a very important part of our lives and mine made sure to help me shape my life in the best possible way. I have been a part of Femina Miss India and also a successful software developer and have learnt to multitask and balance more than one area of interest right from school days.

Today who I am is just because of the education I received in SVEA.

I have been a part of this institution since its inception so SVEA is always special for me. Today the person I am is just because of the education I received in SVEA. I am grateful to all the teachers and I am proud to be called a Vivekan.

A remarkable journey of transformation wherein you instilled in us the qualities of being disciplined, responsible, competitive and be able to overcome any shortcomings.

It seems like it was only yesterday, the uncountable memories of my school days are still vivid. Looking back at the golden period, I came to the realization that I had many of my formative experiences in those years.

Dear alma mater, you have imparted upon us profound knowledge while illuminating our life's path. A remarkable journey of transformation wherein you instilled in us the qualities of being disciplined, responsible, competitive and be able to overcome any shortcomings. I take immense pride and gratitude in being a part of SVEA. As temple of learning continues to build its legacy, I pray that the institution reaches even greater heights.

SVEA is one of the best schools in Maligaon, Guwahati.

SVEA is an emotion. It is one of the best schools in Maligaon, Guwahati. It gives me immense pride to be associated with such SVEA. Proud to be a Vivekan.

Those unforgettable school days have become an intrinsic part of my life.

As an applicant I applied my passport and started my school journey towards education. I was conveyed/imparted with knowledge as well as ethics. There is a saying "Knowledge itself is power" by Sir Francis Bacon. A person can be more elegant if he/she use 'knowledge' as a weapon. I learnt to defeat darkness with the master key of knowledge. Today, I am courageous to accept challenges from my childhood mistakes. When I take a trip down memory lane, I realize, those unforgettable school days have become an intrinsic part of my life.

SVEA always values talent.

SVEA gives us an understanding of the world around us and offers us an opportunity to use our knowledge wisely. Excellent faculty member and wonderful environment. SVEA always values talent and along with the academics they equally focus on other curriculur activities. The graph of SVEA is rising day by day. I always feel proud to be a vivekan.

Apart from excellent academic support, we have also been nurtured with regular creative and innovative campaigns.

SVEA has had the greatest contribution in shaping my professional and personal life. Apart from excellent academic support, we have also been nurtured with regular creative and innovative campaigns, encouraged to take part in similar events and walk toe to toe with others in the community.

Starting small with a strong mission, vision and determination the institution became a pioneer. And during my last visit, I was completely amazed. Not just an inspiration to community, SVEA has become a Legend at the National Level, in every aspect of professional opportunities.

No wonder SVEA is reaching its pinnacle of greatness, when there are those strong pillars to support and determined roster to succeed.

I am where I am because of SVEA.

I am where I am because of SVEA, it was more than education. What I learnt was discipline, manners and giving your best every day. I have had the best teachers who I am forever thankful to. Thank you for everything.

I am where I am because of SVEA.

SVEA gave me the right platform to explore and express a lot of my passion and interest. SVEA also helped me lay the foundation for my overall growth apart from academics.

SVEA was more than just a school; it was home.
It is in the roots, not the branches, that a tree’s greatest strength lies.
~Matshona Dhliwayo

SVEA was more than just a school; it was home. It has taught me my culture and beliefs in addition to teaching me how to read and write. I have learned many valuable lessons both inside and outside the classrooms that have helped me tremendously over time, but the most important, in my opinion, was how to be self-sufficient. This skill, I believe, has adequately prepared me for the future.

Thank you to all the teachers who taught me and who inspired me to be the man I am today.

I started my school life as a Vivekan and ended it as a Vivekan. It is this place where my education started and helped me grow as an individual. It is this place where I learned the ability to speak in public. And special thanks to the teacher who asked me to focus on my handwriting when I was in 7th standard and even had to submit before her. Thank you to all the teachers who taught me and who inspired me to be the man I am today.

SVEA is not just an institution it’s a way of life.

The place that shaped my life so well, that wherever I go I carry a part of my school with me. SVEA is not just an institution it’s a way of life.

It's been a journey where I got guidance and life lessons.

SVEA is not just a school to me it's my entire childhood. It's been a journey where I got guidance and life lessons from my teachers and made friends for life. I highly appreciate all the hard work behind each and every person associated with our school who helped us all students in building our future.

The discipline and principles inbibed in by our Record Sir laid the foundation of what I am today.

I believe it was the best school then and is still the best school.

Being a Vivekan has always been my pride.

SVEA has laid the foundation of my life and inbibed in me the moral values to be a good citizen of the country.

I gained the tools, the mud and stones to build the foundation to my future, and in turn contribute to society in my humble efforts.

SVEA for me ins not only a school, it's an emotion, a knowledge building platform for all of us.

For laying the educational foundation, I probably couldn't have asked for a better institution than SVEA.

SVEA player an important role in my life.

1999-2011 has been the best period of my life.

At SVEA, the young minds are nurtured with care.

My school will always remain in the centre of my heart, as the basis of my existence.

Once a Vivekan, always a Vivekan.

I developed interest in mathematics during my days at SVEA.

SVEA imbibed in me certain values which I've still been carrying forward in my life.

It has made me the person what I am today.

SVEA has taught me the importance of residing together as a big whole family.

SVEA creates an environment where students can learn skills other than just information through books.

SVEA students get to learn the discipline and moral values along with academics.

SVEA has given me the most precious memories of lifetime.

SVEA creates an environment where students can develop intellectually.

My School is my Pride. It is my 2nd Home.

Student who are weak at studies are taught and trained how unwavering faith and confidence in oneself can be helpful.